As reported by Bookmaker Ratings, several more legal organizers of gambling have appeared in Ukraine. In particular, the state regulator issued permits for the placement of a land-based casino on the premises of the capital’s “FAIRMONT” hotel. Also, soon slot machine rooms will appear in White Church, Lviv and Petropavlovskaya Borschagovka village, which is located in the suburbs of Kyiv.
“Thanks to the effective work of the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries, which “stands on the position of eradicating illegal players from the market”, criticism related to the legitimization of this industry has diminished”. This conclusion was made by Igor Petrenko, Doctor of Political Sciences.
“This is not only thanks to the effective work of the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL), which leaves small chances to politicians and critics to portray the work of the legal gambling business negatively.
The Commission tries to work with all stakeholders. So to speak, to listen to everyone. It is not afraid to spend time coordinating positions and, most importantly, constantly focuses the public interest, links the individual interests of operators with obligations to the state and citizens.
CRGL also clearly stands on the position of eradicating the illegal segment and helps the relevant state authorities to fight against illegal activities in the gambling business, whose members do not pay taxes, feed “schemers” and criminal groups.
I think that generally, the Commission has already recouped the state funds spent on its functioning several times over. I hope that the open and transparent approach to the work organization, which is now being demonstrated by CRGL, will remain the hallmark of the regulator in the future”, concluded the Doctor of Political Sciences on his Facebook page.