The Ministry of Agriculture does not expect a significant increase in wholesale prices for bakery products in Russia, TASS reports citing an official statement of the ministry.
“Producer prices for bakery products are at a stable level, and the Ministry of Agriculture does not expect their significant increase in the future,” the statement says.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, this will also be facilitated by additional measures of state support for producers of bakery products and flour, as well as existing mechanisms to stabilize the cost of grain.
The ministry also reported that the first edition of the draft interstate standard for bakery enterprises prepared by the autonomous institution “Scientific Research Institute of the Baking Industry” will be considered by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia upon admission in accordance with the established procedure.
“The Ministry considers it expedient to conduct a comprehensive discussion of the project, including with the participation of industry representatives, as well as consider the need for appropriate adjustments to tax legislation, if necessary,” the statement said.