According to the findings of a study done by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 59% of Russians described their families’ financial status as ordinary, 15% as excellent, and 25% as awful.
At the same time, 10% of respondents described the country’s economic status as favorable, and while 39% think it’s awful, 48% think it’s average.
“Over the last year, Russians have regularly rated their families’ financial status as better than the country’s economic state.”
In other words, the index of assessing family material well-being has always significantly outperformed the index of assessing the country’s economic situation, with the largest difference occurring in June 2021 (48 points against 11 points, respectively, a difference of more than four times), according to analysts.
In January of this year, the indexes were closest – 48 points and 30 points, respectively, a difference of 1.6 times.
In March, the VTsIOM declared a drop in Russia’s “happy index” from 67 to 64 points. Sociologists estimate that 80% of Russians are pleased in some sense. Respondents with higher salaries are more hopeful – 93% – than those with lower incomes – 85%.
Some 5% of respondents described themselves as absolutely miserable, while 11% described themselves as unhappy. Every tenth individual attributed their poor health to the country’s “awful condition of things.” Another 9% stated they didn’t have enough money, and 6% complained about a poor quality of life and late pay.