Thursday, May 7 marks the 20th anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s first inauguration as the president of Russia, TASS reported.
“I realize that I had assumed huge responsibility, and I know: in Russia, the head of state has always been and will be in charge of everything that is going on in the country,” Putin said 20 years ago, after the ceremony in St Andrew Hall in the Grand Kremlin Palace.
The anniversary of the inauguration is the latest in a series of memorable dates related to the 20th anniversary of Putin’s presidency. In less than nine months, or 272 days between his appointment as the Russian prime minister on August 9, 1999, and inauguration as president on May 7, 2000, Putin became a full-fledged president with broad popular support.
20 years ago, Vladimir Putin set the task of truly reforming the country. Two years ago, during his inauguration in 2018, the president said that his policy would focus on a new, better quality of life for Russians, as well as the people’s well-being, safety and health.