More than 300 million people worldwide have already been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus, according to TASS estimates based on government, expert and mass media reports.
Approximately 301.4 mln people have been vaccinated by now, which is 2.5 times above the number of COVID-19 infection case. Therefore, about 3.8% of the planet population was vaccinated.
About 70% of the global population should be vaccinated to achieve the herd immunity, the World Health Organization (WHO) said earlier.
The vaccination rate increased to 7.4 mln vaccinations per day during this week, compared to 4.4 mln daily vaccinations in late February.
The top five countries account for 50% of the total figure of vaccinated individuals. Over 90 mln people have already been vaccinated in the United States, 52.5 mln in China, about 23 mln in the United Kingdom, 20.7 mln in India and 10.6 mln in Brazil.
Israel tops the list in terms of the share of vaccinated population (over 97%). Seychelles hold the second place (84.5%) and the UAE is third (65%).
Over 5 mln people (3.4% of the country populations) passed the first stage of coronavirus vaccination, Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova said on March 5. Russia ranks 12th in terms of the total number of vaccinated people.