Russia’s EpiVacCorona coronavirus vaccine is safe and effective, according to the results of clinical trials published in the Infection and Immunity journal, the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing said in a statement on Thursday, TASS informed.
On March 24, the journal published the results of the vaccine’s clinical trials on volunteers aged between 18 and 60. “The trials were conducted in two parts. The first stage, which was aimed at studying the vaccine’s safety, reactogenicity and immunological activity, involved 14 volunteers aged between 18 and 30. The second stage – single-blind, competitive, randomized placebo-controlled trials – involved 86 volunteers aged between 18 and 60,” the statement reads.
All volunteers who received both vaccine doses developed antibodies to the antigens contained in the vaccine.
EpiVacCorona, developed by Russia’s State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology Vector, was registered in Russia in October 2020. In November, the Health Ministry granted permission to the center to conduct post-registration trials on volunteers, including elderly people.