Specialists of the Kazan Aviation Plant S. Gorbunova (KAPO) is planning to install new systems on the upgraded Russian Tu-22M3M bomber – guided missiles and bomb weapons.
This was announced on Sunday by an employee of the Tupolev design bureau in the Military Acceptance program on Zvezda TV channel.
“We will significantly increase the combat effectiveness of this complex. In addition to upgrading the equipment itself, a number of new guided missile systems and guided bomb weapons will be installed,” said an employee of the Tupolev Design Bureau.
According to another officer of the Tupolev design bureau, there is also a second prototype Tu-22M3M aircraft.
“We are assembling a second plane and are moving to experimental tests; there can be two planes in the sky at the same time,” he noted.
The specialists clarified that the equipment installed on the Tu-22M3M can be installed on the Tu-160 during its modernization.