Residents and visitors to Moscow will be able to obtain the Covivac vaccination to protect them from the coronavirus in 14 Healthy Moscow pavilions, as reported on the mayor’s and the capital government’s official websites on Saturday.
On July 10, the medicine was delivered to the pavilions. Officials emphasized that vaccinations are available without an appointment and are free. The total number of dosages at each stage is capped to 850.
Vaccinations are administered by appointment at 119 vaccination facilities based on city polyclinics from 8:00 to 22:00 Moscow time, seven days a week. Without an appointment, anyone may be vaccinated at the Healthy Moscow pavilions, which are presently exclusively accessible for COVID-19 vaccine.
In addition, shopping malls and other prominent metropolitan places provide vaccinations without an appointment.
Moscow ranks first in Russia in terms of the number of people infected with coronavirus. In total, 1,423,828 cases of infection were detected in the city, of which 5,694 in the last day. 1,221,766 people recovered, 23,538 died.