The founder of Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab has said the company’s growth in regions other than the U.S. has surpassed problems brought on by a government-wide ban on Kaspersky Lab software in the United States.
“Obviously, the noise in the U.S. media and government reports over the past year have affected our business; the harm caused to us is still to be tallied. But we’re a global company doing business all around the world (we have offices in 35 different countries), so despite the issues in America, we’re still showing good results and growth in other regions,” Eugene Kaspersky said in an interview with Sputnik.
“We’re not replacing the U.S. market. It’s still one of our biggest markets with thousands of customers and partners. We’re thankful to them for their trust and support – for being able to see through the fake allegations against us. However, we have strategically re-focused our attention on other countries to clear any revenue gap that might appear during this period of tension for us in the U.S.,” Kaspersky said.
He added that international cooperation with governments and law enforcement agencies “is the only way to fight cybercrime.”
“This collaboration is crucial for our industry. We work closely with third parties across the globe – including INTERPOL, the Council of Europe, and the European cybersecurity agency ENISA – to promote an open and safe internet and to support their work with technical expertise, threat intelligence, and investigations,” he said.