The construction of a new power unit at the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in China will begin in 2021, according to Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom. It is the biggest joint NPP project between the two nations.
“Together with the Chinese partners, we have already built four power units at this site and thus have paved the way for further projects,” said Vladimir Savushkin from Rosatom’s engineering division Atomstroyexport (ASE).
Savushkin told the media that “cooperation continues, now on the basis of Russia’s newest 3+ generation technologies,” adding that the deadlines are tight and “in 2021 we are to begin construction works at Tianwan-7.”
Last week, ASE and the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) inked contracts for the construction of units 7 and 8 at the Tianwan NPP. Rosatom is currently negotiating a framework contract for the construction works, according to reports in Russian media at the time.
The largest joint NPP project between Russia and China, the Tianwan plant is located on the coast of the Yellow Sea. It was built in 2006 by Russia’s nuclear power equipment and service export monopoly owned by Gazprom.
Two of its units, with a capacity of 1,000 MW each, were opened in 2007. Unit 3 was connected to the grid last December while unit 4 is expected to enter commercial operation in March 2019. Fuel loading at unit 4 was completed in September.