Russians must be vaccinated immediately to avoid a disastrous COVID-19 scenario, according to Kirill Dmitriev, RDIF CEO.
In contrast to other nations, Russia has produced safe vaccines that are readily available, according to the RDIF CEO. Sputnik V’s efficacy and safety, he claims, have been validated by data from medical regulators in dozens of nations.
Moscow and the Moscow Region were the first in Russia to make coronavirus immunization compulsory for certain groups. The regional chief sanitary doctors’ regulations were issued on June 16th. Both documents include nearly similar lists of those who must now get the vaccination.
Employees of businesses in trade, services, public catering, housing and communal services, transportation (including taxi drivers), entertainment centers, education, health care, and social protection, as well as beauty salons, fitness clubs, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, banks, and post offices, as well as officials, are among those affected.